Tuesday, December 31, 2013

One Little Word, Trust.

Trust: noun firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something.

This year I am inspired by one of my favorite bloggers, Elise Blaha, and am going to begin 2014 with One Little Word that will resonate throughout this new year. The word I picked for 2014 is TRUST. Without knowing it, I picked the word BRAVE last year as I mentioned in this post. This year, TRUST is something that I know I am going to need as I am now almost two years out of college, newly married, and starting my career. Often times it is easy to get overwhelmed by the craziness of life, but I am going to focus on letting things happen and "Trusting" or learning to TRUST my purpose. I will continue to use this word for different posts throughout the year exploring what it means to really TRUST both personally and spiritually. Don't worry my blog will always have DIY projects and the like but I would also like to use my outlet to its full capacity and I hope it inspires you as well in some form or another to look within yourself. Here are some of the things I have brainstormed for my One Little Word.

trust in myself. 
trust in my plan and purpose.
trust that I am exactly where I need to be to go where I am supposed to go.
trust in my abilities as a wife, daughter, sister, and friend. 
trust in my skills in my profession.
trust in my faith.
trust in my husband to look out for me so I don't need to be so independent. 
trust my choices.
trust my instincts.
trust my creative talents. 
trust in who I am and who I am becoming. 
trust others. 
trust that all things will work out in the end. 
trust in my marriage. 
trust my ability to love and be loved. 
trust in the adventures to come. 
trust in the timing of all things. 
trust in the good of the world. 

Hope you'll enjoy this new adventure with me!



  1. Oh Allison. I'd love to discuss this with you. I'd love to hang out. Coffee?

    Emily Birochak

  2. Yes! That would be great Emily! Let's do coffee soon.


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